A country a would like to visit!

Thursday 30 September 2010 07:13 Posted by Simón Araya Corey 5 comments

I really would like to go to Canada.
Why is an interesting country?
because it have a different culture and
a higher level of development.....so different from Chile.

I know that is a country with higher levels of education and life status. People lives happy in their homes,
go happy to their jobs, and all that
transforms Canada in a interesting place
to live and in an
oportunity to be really H-a-p-p-y.

Another thing that I like from Canada,
its beautiful natural areas,
and the goberment take care about it,
because they realize that is an important
source of culture and free time activities
for canadian family.

As an example of two ways of thinking,
here in Chile people do not cares about
how many garbage we produce in only one day,
and do not know what we do with it.......we,
as Chileans, are so far away from the Canadiens,
we must move forward in recycling
activities and other ways to care the earth.

What more I would like to do in Canada?
Also I would like to study there,
I do not know if this could happen but if it's does,
It willl be really useful.

After the studies, a big wish could be living in Canada,
have a big house not that far from a city
or a little town and, of course having a job
related to our passion, veterinary medicine.

There, I would be able to have animals
in a kind of ranch and have a family
that supports yourself every day in
home-ranch tasks, learning about different types
of animals and sharing with your sons your experiences.

In short,
Canada could be a place where you can
form a family and livingthe rest of your life relaxed!

it isn't cool? :)

Session 2: Transantiago, before and after

Thursday 23 September 2010 08:04 Posted by Simón Araya Corey 4 comments
At beginning,
when transantiago system started,
I was not here in the city
because we were on vacations (February)
enjoying the beach and the summer,
so I notice about all the stuff of
the new transport system from the T.V news.

The images tells you about problems like
people who does not know routes, or who was
hunging out in the doors......
for me was very funny because
I was not in Santigo yet.

My opinion is that transantiago
at first point was a good idea,
improving the public transport with new technology,
less pollution, faster travels
and a lot of more advantages,
so it seems really convenient for a big city .

But, when a started with the school
I beginning to live all the disadvantage
of the new system.
For example, the subway collapsed
because most of the people wanted to travel
to their jobs in a safety and punctual transport,
so the angry crowd went to
this transport media and that was
the first problem,
and that still without a sollution...

I hate take the underground,
it's annoying how the people pushhhhhh you
for getting on to the wagons...and getting off was worse.
I prefer to travel to anywhere on buses,
it is lightful and you can breathe Oxigen,
so you do not get sofocated
and less people use it.

What is the worse of buses?
I do not understand how a new bus
can get old that fast,
I mean, all the windows slam against
others so your travel turns really loudly,
including with your headphones you
can still hearing that "lovely sound".

A kind of solution will be
having more transport routes and not more buses,
that because the traffic will turn horrible
if the numbers of machines went up,
so if the new route were available,
trips will be faster and the people happier!
:) :p xD

I conclude that having a car is the best option,
it's confortable, safe, fun, but a little expensive.

Note: this media represents my personal opinion

Session 1

Thursday 9 September 2010 08:49 Posted by Simón Araya Corey 6 comments

My last semester in university was really intense.
As veterinary student my priority was pass all
subject with at least 4, and I'm very very happy
because I did it.
The most difficult subject for me was anatomy. I spent a lot
of time studying it, trying to put the main concepts on my head
and training myself for the practical test.
Fortunately (and mysteriously)
a got a 4.0 on the integrative test!!! that was the best feel of that semester jajaja!.

Another goal for my in the beginning of the year was came to
the university in bus.
The whole last year I drive from my home to here because
my mom didn't use the car. Now she changed of job, so she uses
the Bólido almost every day............it´s really sad for me :(
But, not all is bad about taking the bus, because
a lot of classmates do it and we get together
in the bus stop, during the travel we listen music and
also talk a lot, making the trip in a good instance for

learning more about your friends an it’s experiences.

The balance of the last semester was really good,
I past al my subjects, met new people and learnt some
important stuffs about veterinary medicine.