Seesion 6: My favourite Animal!

Saturday 23 October 2010 05:34 Posted by Simón Araya Corey 7 comments
Its really difficult ask to us, as veterinarians, to choose a favourite animal because we love all kind of them.....but first can I tell you what animal I dislike.
In first place, I hate Spiders! them are so ugly, moves slowly and do not make any sense for me having them as pet.
I discovered recently that I dislike Horses too, because them are so tall that makes me feel small and them are so unpredictable...but a have to admit that them are elegant and interesting.

Now, I think that my favourite animal could be one that I can hold and play with, that could be by your side in every situation, and of course, it have to be hairy as a my favourite Animal are all Big Dogs!

Big Dogs are so perfect for me, they wait for your arrive at home and show how much they love you jumping around, running a trying to kiss you with a tongue that its bigger than your face ahahajahjajahja.......and they are so big that you can almost ride them and sleep holding them and they do not care, they just stay beside you, they will do everything necesary to show you that they are your best friends at home!
If you have visited my home, you could noticed how much I love Mora, my 3 years old female black Chow-Chow. Mora its so hairy that is like having a little bear in my apartment ajahajahjahja!

Some people think that a big dog its a problem because of the amount of poop that they produce in one day, but I preefer them that having a noisy poddle or chihuahua barking all day long and drilling your ears!

An example of these dogs could be Gauu, the dog that watch sheeps at big enough for me and I know that it love me too ahajhaajha and if I could, some day I will have a big dog as Gauu...
Some breed dogs that I would like to have are Chow-Chow, Akita, San bernardo, Mastín napolitano, Golden retriever, Rottweiler and of course an English Bull-dog because I love the way they walk an look.

I think that after you read this your favourite animal would be the Dog!

Session 5: What to do / Where to go in Stgo!

Thursday 14 October 2010 08:38 Posted by Simón Araya Corey 4 comments

First, as tourist you should go to Santa Lucia Hill after a rainy day, so you have a view of all over Santiago, with a blue sky filled with clouds that seems soft as cotton, and of course you have to admire de Cordillera de los Andes with snow at the top. Amazing!
And if you like practicing white sports, you should go to El Colorado or Farellones. There you can try skiing, snowboarding, throwing snowballs to your friends, making snowman or just enjoy the view and drink hot chocolate mmmmmmmm ahajahajhajha!

If you do not like the cold, you can visit El Cajon del Maipo and do some trekking and walk between hills, animals and enjoying the natural environment. In there, you will see people doing bungee and jumping of a bridge and screaming aghh! Also you and your buddies can get in of a boat and do Rafting in the could be a nice experience and so relieving! I have not practice it yet, but as classmates we can organize a little study trip and all can splash on the river ajhajhahahjhjahaja!

Another activity, and maybe the most important for people like me is racing in karts! you can found like 4 places in Santiago where you can race against your friends and obviously be the is undescriptible the feeling when you are behind the steering wheel and pass the driver in front of you poooooow! you have to try it!

Well,there are many fun activities in Santiago
that you and your friends can do together
just for spending time!

Session 4: Death Penalty

Thursday 7 October 2010 15:50 Posted by Simón Araya Corey 2 comments

This is one of the best topics that I ever have written and really interesting as well.
I consider death penalty the worse way of crime solution. This practice allow countries and some states to decide what to do with the life of people, or a person who could have a family and friends. But I support this punishment in terrible crimes as murder and rape.

Firstly, convicts maintenance is expensive and our goverment have
to remove resources from good programs to finance this activity.......for example this money could be use for improvements in health or in transport services.

Now, what about if a person
was found guilty of a rape with murder,
or of an assassination?
we must give him another chance to do the same?
I mean, how many convicts really rehabilitate
after they pass through jail?

I really think that prison is like a kind of university for them, where this bad people learn more stuff about robbering, make weapons and fight techniques..........we have to be realist, Chile it's not the perfect place after 10 p.m, at least Santiago (Hey! we study in La Pintana and trips by yourself after this hour could be really dangerous).

Finally, this practice might be as hard like for causing a decrease of crime levels, so we could walk on streets without fear about being all could be Happy!

In short, Chile is far away from this punishment, because implementation of a system like this attemps on human rights and our country is not ready for this situation again.

is just a personal opinion and
I hope that do not bother
anyone who think