Saturday 27 November 2010 19:56 Posted by Simón Araya Corey 3 comments

I think that we as veterinary students are now facing a lot of challenges about our carreer.
To make an structure, I will try to describe this challanges in three main topics, technology, social matters and education.

Firstly, technology is a big problems for us. Our university do not provide us with enough knowledge about it, because it do not has a program based on technology. Our faculty teachs us how to develope without having any help of hi-tech machines, so we learn a lot more in comparison to students from private universities that are used to check all results in a machine because they are incapable to do it for themselves. I must admit that technology is necessary for some stuff, but we can live without it.

About the next topic, Social matters, I can say something really important. As vets, we are subestimated by the society.Ordinary people think that we know less than a doctor and, in fact, they are unable to paid price of ca consult for check their pets, they really think that our studies are worthless!
Another point of view, and fortunately we as men are not involved in, is sex discrimination. Women are saw by the society as less capable to do the job, so for females vets find a work its more difficult.I think that sex its not relevant for doing a good work.

In third place, education challanges are really relevant. I believe that our current "malla curricular" its not related with a good process of learning, because we are overexploted with the subjects, tests and group works thats now are making me in a mess! I have talked with some friends and all of us thinks that make longer the second term of every year will be the best solution, so we will not get stressed and we can store some energy to keep learning things related to animals.

Actually, my personal goals are resist the pressure of this term end, pass all the subjects, learn more about bigs animals, use some medical equipment, and of course, have a good time with friends at university.

Some solutions to this problems would be the implementation of more practical works for learn more about horses and cattles,  make second term longer and women has to demonstrate to society thay they can develope as good as men in work.

In conclusion, we must maintain the prestige of our university demanding more academical activities related with animal and provide us with some high technology resourses.


Saturday 20 November 2010 05:15 Posted by Simón Araya Corey 0 comments

Time to save the tuna!

Atlantic bluefin tuna are now on the brink of the collapse, that because of their properties and high value as one of the fishes used to prepare Sushi and Sashimi, that get us now to the OVERFISHING ( some of it illegal, unregulated and unreported) of the specie and reducing significatively their number.
Many important scientists support this idea, and recent studies of them show that this type of tuna has declined more than 80% in the last 40 years.

CITES (Convention on intennational trade in endangered spieces of wild fauna and flora) has try to regulate this situation by providing goverments with objective information to evaluate the overexplotation and for stablishment of protective measures. However, a proposal to save atlantic bluefin tuna in the last march was defeated because political games and backroom deals in despite of support of important comitees and countries.
Countries against this proposal argued that ICCAT (international commission for the conservation of atlantic tunas) should be the center to respond to the crisis of this tuna.

Actually, the main solution to aviod the overexplotation of Atlantic bluefish tuna and their future extinction is by suspending the fishery of this specie until strong managment and mesures are in place, and, of course, that this tuna shows signs of recovery. Another solution could be the regulation of illegal extraction of tunas from the sea, that it's unreported.
Now, we must wait until ICCAT acts and if it fail, Atlantic bluefin tuna will be extinct!


Saturday 13 November 2010 06:48 Posted by Simón Araya Corey 6 comments

First of all, I must say that I love our faculty....that because it's different from other ones located in the middle of the city. In that places you can not let your stuff in the grass when you are with your friends, so I like feeling safe in where we study.

Obviously, we need some improvements for make easier our study or something that make us fell more confortable.
The first thing that we need, and also the most important, is a new Cafeteria or, at least, try to make it bigger!!!
Its so sad when you arrive to the casino and there are no tables where you can sit...........Although we do not use the cafeteria a lot, that because we enjoy eat our lunch sitting in the grass....but we can not lunch outside when is raining and that were you realise that a bigger casino its necessary.

Another thing that I consider important is the fact that we do not have an interior road between Veterinary and Agronomy, so when you drive to the university (in our case veterinary faculty) and from some reason you need to get to agronomy, you have to take santa rosa.......maybe its not so necessary for some people, but I believe that we need an interior pathway.

A third annoying thing is that the bathrooms are located far from the classrooms (except english classroom) when you go to it you lose a big part of a class! and talking about a particular bathroom, the one in front of the casino its really badly is small and always its dirty. I do not understand how a bathroom can get dirty at 9:10 a.m !!!

About academical improvements, its necessary have more annimals for our practices, more cows, horses and other species for learning...another thing about this area are the classrooms! I do not know if the people in charge notice that in some classes we are like 130 students in the same classroom! that is insane! how they expect that we learn something when you had 129 classmates inside of a classroms. Here are 2 possible solutions for this problem, the first is that the faculty must separate the students in groups and contrating more professors. The other posibility is build bigger classrooms.

This could be a joke for you as reader, but I do not like the table-chairs that we have in the university. Them are uncomfortable and when you get late to a class its a big show try to sit on them ajhajhjahajahaja! Tables are small and everything on it falls to the ground aaagh! in one class I drop, I don't know but al least 3 times the liquid paper ahjahajhja! We need decent tables and chairs!

well, I believe that this is all that we need in our faculty, and that because I like the way that things are now.

Ps: I love mundo granja too and I like all my clasmates, they are really good persons!!!!

Session 7: My favourite movie

Friday 5 November 2010 16:25 Posted by Simón Araya Corey 4 comments

Is really difficult choose only one movie to talk about, but I must say that my favourite movie it's Million Dollar Baby!
This movie was directed by Clint Eastwood, who also acts on it.
Million dollar baby its drama genre movie and the plot its about a woman named Maggie Fitzgerald, played by Hillary Swank, she is a waitress who have traveled to a little town looking for a trainer who can help her to reach her dream, be a professional boxer and the champ of the world!

In this place, Maggie inscrinited on a Gym where a lot of boxers trains and met the owner who also is a known box-trainer named Frankie Dunn, played by Cilnt Eastwood. She insisted frankie to train her but he did not want to train a woman because they cry with every punch! Finally, he decided to train Maggie.
In a few months, she won lots of fights and money and resisted painful punches, so Frakie decided to take her to the finnal championship fight against the actual champion, the blue bear, who was a prostitute in berlin when young.
Maggie fought against her and she was winning, but something suddendly happened! after a big hit of her, the blue bear hit Maggie at the middle time when the reffery was not looking! resulting in maggie slaming its neck against a chair on the ring!
When doctors examinates her, they said that Maggie's spine cord was broken and she wil not be able to walk again in her life and now she is disabled!
This situation is so frustrating and sad for the watcher of the movie because all the dreams of Maggie went away in a second.............After a few weeks in a Hospital, doctors cut her leg because an infecction, being the worst for Maggie, who now asked Frankie, her coach, to help her to kill herself! firstly, he refuses the idea, but at the end of the movie, Frankie decided to inject Maggie with adrenalin, putting an end to her pain.................that was the sadness part of the movie and almost everybody cries!

I think that the first time when a watched this movie was the summer of 2005 with my family at the beach...and all of us were crying ajhajahajhajah!
I believe that its a good movie because it teachs you to be concient of the life value...and live every day as it was the last!

you should watch it soon!