Final Session: Self Evaluation of my academic year (2009)!

Wednesday 8 December 2010 04:44 Posted by Simón Araya Corey 3 comments

The 2009 was really exhausting for all of us. We started at the first days of March knowing absolutely nothing about your professors, classmates, subjects, hours for lunch and specially, how time consuming might be studing veterinary medicine. This was a whole new world for me a, who was studing architecture in USACH on 2008!
Nevertheless, doing a balance of 2009, I think that my personal performance on academical issues was good, and we learnt how control nerves with complicated subjects as Anatomy and some important basic topics for a future veterinary doctor.
Now, we are living the end of the second term of 2010, and I can tell you that first year at our university is nothing compared with upper years!

I started first term of 2009 at beginnig of march I think. We had a few subjects, being Chemistry, Maths and Zoology the most important of all.
For that time, I knew like 3 persons and only they accompanied me at the university...but with the pass of days, we could know more friends.
This first term was really bad for me, that beacuse I failed Chemistry and Maths, two of the three important subjects!!! I felt really sad and lost, because this was my second career and as I failed some subjects I belived that veterinary was not for me. I felt really depress, but I could finish the term.

Second term was very positive in comparison to the previous one. We come back from holidays in Agoust I think, and it was better because you had already know people, roomclasses and most professors, so it was not as shocking as the first term.
In this stage we had a lot complicated subjects as Biology, Biostatistics, Histology, BIOCHEMISTRY and ANATOMY!
I started really scared because of my anterior performance at firt term, but with each test result received I could notice that my hours of study have being rewarded. Some friends started to think that I am some kind of nerd because of my good marks ajhjahahhahjajha but I just study, nothing more, nothing less, and if we have more free timefor us, our marks will be better!
But nothing is perfect, and I could notice that because of Anatomy. It was so difficult, you had to memorize all muscles, bones and each single part of it. When we finished an anatomy exam, I was just loughing of me because I answered 18 of 35 questions. But, at the end, I pass Anatomy with an avarage of 4.3!

Finally, I evaluated my personal performance in 2009 with a 6! I learnt a lot new stuff and, something that is really important for me, I could met good persons at university that now are my friends.
About Chemestry and Maths, the two failed subjects, I could later pass them, and I realize that I failed because I do not had the base, the basics that they teach you at school and not because I was a kind of limited person (intelectually), and if you make an efford for study, you will be rewarded with good marks and, what is most important, with personal satisfaction.