Saturday 27 November 2010 19:56 Posted by Simón Araya Corey

I think that we as veterinary students are now facing a lot of challenges about our carreer.
To make an structure, I will try to describe this challanges in three main topics, technology, social matters and education.

Firstly, technology is a big problems for us. Our university do not provide us with enough knowledge about it, because it do not has a program based on technology. Our faculty teachs us how to develope without having any help of hi-tech machines, so we learn a lot more in comparison to students from private universities that are used to check all results in a machine because they are incapable to do it for themselves. I must admit that technology is necessary for some stuff, but we can live without it.

About the next topic, Social matters, I can say something really important. As vets, we are subestimated by the society.Ordinary people think that we know less than a doctor and, in fact, they are unable to paid price of ca consult for check their pets, they really think that our studies are worthless!
Another point of view, and fortunately we as men are not involved in, is sex discrimination. Women are saw by the society as less capable to do the job, so for females vets find a work its more difficult.I think that sex its not relevant for doing a good work.

In third place, education challanges are really relevant. I believe that our current "malla curricular" its not related with a good process of learning, because we are overexploted with the subjects, tests and group works thats now are making me in a mess! I have talked with some friends and all of us thinks that make longer the second term of every year will be the best solution, so we will not get stressed and we can store some energy to keep learning things related to animals.

Actually, my personal goals are resist the pressure of this term end, pass all the subjects, learn more about bigs animals, use some medical equipment, and of course, have a good time with friends at university.

Some solutions to this problems would be the implementation of more practical works for learn more about horses and cattles,  make second term longer and women has to demonstrate to society thay they can develope as good as men in work.

In conclusion, we must maintain the prestige of our university demanding more academical activities related with animal and provide us with some high technology resourses.

3 Response to "Session 10: CHALLANGES IN YOUR DISCIPLINE!"

  1. natu [!] Says:

    I like your post, and I support you in resist the pressure!
    jaajaja, I hope we all pass all the subjects.
    And in educational matters I agree with you in demanding more academical activities, it will be a good initiative.
    :) see you!

  2. Nekita Says:

    I take it blogg of different form but I agree in some things and in others not so much xD

  3. Miss Says:

    I think that we as veterinary students are now facing a lot of challenges about our carreer.
    To make an structure, I will try to describe this SP challanges in three main topics, technology, social matters and education.

    Firstly, technology is a big problems for us. Our university SVA do not provide us with enough knowledge about it, because it SVA do not has a program based on technology. Our faculty teachs us how to develope without having any help of hi-tech machines, so we learn a lot more in comparison to students from private universities that are used to check all results in a machine because they are incapable to do it for themselves. I must admit that technology is necessary for some stuff, but we can live without it.

    About the next topic, Social matters, I can say something really important. As vets, we are WW subestimated by the society.Ordinary people think that we know less than a doctor and, in fact, they are unable to WF paid price of ca consult for check their pets, they really think that our studies are worthless!
    Another point of view, and fortunately we as men are not involved in, is sex discrimination. Women are WF saw by the society as less capable to do the job, so for females vets find a work its more difficult.I think that sex its not relevant for doing a good work.

    In third place, education challanges are really relevant. I believe that our current SPANISH! "malla curricular" its not related with a good process of learning, because we are overexploted with the subjects, tests and group works thats now are making me in a mess! I have talked with some friends and all of us thinks that make longer the second term of every year will be the best solution, so we will not get stressed and we can store some energy to keep learning things related to animals.

    Actually, my personal goals are resist the pressure of this term end, pass all the subjects, learn more aboutWF bigs animals, use some medical equipment, and of course, have a good time with friends at university.

    Some solutions to this problems would be the implementation of more practical works for learn more about horses and cattles, make second term longer and women has to demonstrate to society thay they can develope as good as men in work.

    In conclusion, we must maintain the prestige of our university demanding more academical activities related with animal and provide us with some high technology SP resourses.

    very interesting... I didn't know about women though.

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